My epiphany moment

I am not sure when, maybe one or two years ago, that I started drifting away from my plan. When I came to the U.S. to do my PhD my plan was to return back to Jordan as soon as I am done.  But life in the U.S. is so easy compared to anywhere else.  Living in the U.S. is very comfortable and it is a lovely place to be.

Two weeks or so ago I had my epiphany moment. I was sure what I want to do in my life. I am determined now to finish my PhD and go back to Jordan. I want to tech in Jordan and start a family there.

There are so many reasons that make me want to live in the U.S. But there are also so many other reasons that make me want to settle in Jordan. My number one reason is family. Being close to my parents, sister, brothers and my nieces and nephews makes me happy.

On another level, I think I have gained lots of experience in my 11 years studying and working in the U.S. Here, there are thousands of Computer Science PhD holders. Working in the U.S. may satisfy my eagerness for excellence  in academia and my hunger for financial satisfaction. But life is more than that.

I am writing this post to keep my promise. This is not going to be a one time post. I am going to keep updating it, hopefully. Writing things I want to do in Jordan, places nearby that I want to visit.

When I visited Jordan back in January 2013, I noticed how Jordan became a hub for its troubled neighboring countries. Syrian refugees, Iraqi immigrants, Yemeni and Khaliji (Arab Gulf) college students, Libyan patients coming to Jordan for its good reputation in medical care in the region. Jordan became a multicultural  country and I like that.

I want to teach Arab students but more important I want also to learn from this young Arab generation how did they manage to break the hardest taboo. I want to ask them how does it feel to not be afraid of the Mukhabarat. How did they manage to say enough is enough. The future of the Arab region is so promising. It is of course going to get worse before we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But I want to be there hoping I can also make a change. I like teaching and I believe it is an honorable job.

Here is a video I want to share with you about the beauty of our Arab region. A country that I always dreamed of visiting but didn’t get the chance to is Lebanon. Here is a beautiful video from Lebanon. 

26 thoughts on “My epiphany moment

  1. What a great goal. I certainly will miss having you “nearby” ;), but hopefully you will keep in touch from Jordan, and we will hear wonderful stories about life there. It’s really wonderful seeing more on your blog lately. Keep it up! I’m a fan! 😀

    1. Hopefully things will get better soon in Syria. Then you can visit Syria and Jordan. My city, Irbid, is only 70 mile from Damascus. If you loved Syria I am sure you will fall in love with Jordan as well 🙂

      Thank you for the kind words. Yes, Facebook took me from my blog but I shall return 🙂

  2. I guess we have a common dream.. Inshallah it comes true for you and me. My close friends always ask me how can I replace safety and peace of mind with craziness and instability ??!! I sometimes ask myself the same question and find no answer.. I don’t know how can I dream of settling back home if I can’t even visit when I want to.. I just cancelled my planned vacation because of what happened last week..!

    Anyways, it seems you love Lebanon as much as I do, so allow me to share with you ” The Lebanon I dream of ” , it is the closest to reality..

    Enjoy it ..
    Noura 🙂

    1. Noura, thank you so much for the video. I watched the first part but I will watch them all for sure. It is normal that we see so many thinkers and scientists in Egypt because of it is big population but for a tiny country like Lebanon to see equivalent number of writers, thinkers and scientists is something one needs to be proud of.
      It is 6:40 am now. While watching this first part my eyes went teary. I have never been to Lebanon but I always feel nostalgic when I watch such videos. They remind me of old Fairouz Lebanese movies.

      I am sorry you had to cancel your trip to Lebanon. I am half Syrian. When I went back to Jordan in January I wasn’t able to visit Syria and see my grandmother and relatives who I haven’t seen for more than 10 years.

  3. I am so sorry Malik, I meant to share the link to the video not crowd the comments with posting it here.. Feel free to remove it if bothers you !

    1. It is really sad to see the most beautiful country with the most intelligent people in the region been in ruin like this because of its indifference.

  4. U have no idea how good it felt to read this (self-centered me!) 🙂

    I`m happy u r in what seems to be a balanced peace in within (I just made that expression up) 😀

    “But life is more than that” absolutely!

    No matter what path u chose or deviate from even, it will have consequences, u can call/label them results and carry on or u can end up in circles of ever lasting (what if`s)

    Good 4 u Malik, and for sure looking 4 the updates on this post

    *Thanks 4 the video & thanks to Noura as well for hers

    1. Thank you. Glad you felt good reading this. I know you are in somehow similar situation. That is, studying abroad. Insha’Allah to see you in Jordan one day. Who knows we may end up teaching at the same university 🙂

  5. اكيد القرار ما كان سهل ولكن انك توصل لقرار و تكون متأكد منه و يتحول كهدف ان شاء الله بصير و بس يحصل حتكون متأكد 100% من صحته

    انا فترة بعدي عن الاردن و في بلد عربي لم تتعدى السنه و الخمس شهور و لكن تغير هلي اشياء كتيره بالبلد و لكن انا مقتنعه ان البلد حلوه باهلها و البلد اللي فيها اهلك هي احلى بلد في العالم

    وجود الاب و الام الله يخليلنا اياهم و عدم استغلالنا لكل دقيقه معهم راح نتأثر بنتائجها بس نكبر وخصوصا بس يكون البعد خيار مش انفرض علينا

    بالتوفيق صديقي 🙂


    الله يجمعك باهلك عن قريب يا قمر و يفرجها على لبنان و على كل البلاد اللي اهلها محرومين من هداة البال من فتره

    الله يهدي بال الجميع و يفرجها عالجميع عن قريب

    1. شكرا ويسبر. النيه الآن موجود والعمل على تحقيقها جار على قدم وساق نسأل الآن التوفيق من الله لتحقيق الهدف
      نعم العائله هي كل شيء

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